
I drift silently through the now. As my multifaceted form catches the light, I become aware of my complex structure. A paradoxal meld of dual definitions: Intricate and simple. Delicate in double meaning if I land on your tongue.

The phases of life have shaped me. I am in constant change, even though the perception of me seems static. My experiences have led me here; they have transformed me into a being of crystalized empirics.

The wind takes me playfully into his arms and I dance brilliantly up in the sky. Excitement washes over me and I swirl around in euphoria. My enlightened essence essentially merging with the light. I reflect on whether this is the highest form of existence.

Although I find it challenging to gaze beyond the momentum of the moment, my awakened mind can’t help but wonder what the next step in the current can-can is.

My flighty escapade reaches its peak on a crest in the seemingly endless ocean. I dissolve, but I don’t lose myself. I realize that the limitation of my reality was an illusion and a form of self-observation. I see myself for who I am and I become who I have always been.

My existence was a spark of imagination that came alive because even All That Is is curious about itself.

Essential essence

Your essential essence safe inside. Peeking through playfully masquerading characters, layers of lessons and protective shields.

What if it’s now time to start understanding and to stop undervaluing the power of the heart?

Who you are in your heart, at your core, in your soul, cannot be harmed.

Forget fear. Vulnerably showing the real you is true strength.

Strength in vulnerability

Love with an open heart. Feel pain with an open heart. Far too often we close our heart down in an attempt to protect it. And it turns heavy and unbearable.

The key to our well-being is to keep our heart light and open, however challenging it may feel. Find strength in vulnerability and authenticity.

Living from the heart is neither naive nor cliché. It’s the long-forgotten, re-emerging essence of life.