
My favourite state of mind at the moment is trust. Having faith that all is well. Believing that everything happens for a reason. Knowing that things are gonna work out – for me, for humanity, for the planet. Not always an easy place to access, but well worth the mindful effort.

This feeling of trusting life grows with every hardship that is overcome. The increasing flow of insights clears my mind. Peacefulness comes from experiencing things working out, even effortlessly and synchronistically. Trusting takes a lot of surrendering the ego and re-connecting to the calm core. So far everything in my life has worked out exactly as supposed to. That’s how I choose to see it.

This doesn’t mean that life won’t feel chaotic, difficult and heart-breaking at times. It also doesn’t mean that I will give away the power over my own life. It means that I see myself as a part of a bigger whole where all things have purpose. My free will, my choice and my responsibility directs my experience of reality. Some things I can affect, some I can’t, but I can always choose how I react.

I remember to be thankful, because gratefulness keeps on giving. I have my hopes and dreams. I know that if I get out of my own (ego’s) way, there is an even bigger universal force (within and without) that may exceed my expectations if I let it.