Illusion of separation

Isolation and loneliness have been very present topics and have touched most of us in one way or other these past few years. If looked at from a certain angle, we can choose to see them as important parts of our growth.

On our journey of peeling off the layers of who we are not, to become who we really are, most of us will experience times of darkness and loneliness.

We face situations where we have no choice but to sit with ourself. They are assertive invitations to go within. We may curse the circumstances at first, but these break-downs will lead to big breakthroughs.

It’s okay if it hurts. It’s okay if it feels like the end of the world. You are stronger than you think and you will come out on the other side even stronger.

Disconnection doesn’t exist outside of the linear mind. Go within to anchor into the peace and wisdom of your soul. Go outside to feel at one with mother nature.

At the core we’re always connected to each other and these illusions of separation are just human experiences. Expand and evolve beyond your own perceived limitations.

Growing pains are part of life. And you are never alone.