Closing challenging cycles

Slow progress. Small steps; some forward and a few backwards. Cycling through the same challenges until trauma is resolved. Big and small occurrences, we all have things to grow through.

The past few months I have felt that stepping into more of who I am is the only way onward. This always happens when I slow down, prioritise myself and let life guide me. Triggers, healing, self-realization – whatever you want to call it, it has been quite intense.

As growth happens gradually, we may not always see how far we have come. Therefore I am thankful that life has not only thrown me into a boot camp of personal improvement lately, but it has also served me several opportunities where I have been able to really see how my inner work is positively affecting my external life experience.

Situations that used to make my nervous system go haywire, I can now feel almost completely calm in. New neural pathways in my brain. The main thing to take me there has been finding deep safety within.