Day: October 29, 2021

All along

Whatever it is that you want to experience, you have to believe that you can have it. And by living as if you already have it – being thankful and positive – you will attract it into your life, because you and your energy create your reality. You really are that powerful.

You want love? It’s already inside your heart. Find it there, feel it there, and you will see it in your world. You want more of it? Give away of your overflow and it will flow right back to you through new streams. You want contentment? There are a thousand and one things already available for you in your life to be thankful for.

It’s not about living an illusion; it’s about aligning with your highest potential. It’s not about bypassing negative emotions. It’s about walking up that spiral staircase, sometimes stepping on a dead butterfly, sitting down to cry about it and then moving on when the emotions have passed.

Don’t stay with the things that make you feel dead and dreadful inside. Feel it, let it go.

And when you reach the top of the stairs and have a look around, you will find that you have been surrounded by all this beauty all along, but the journey makes you see it from a higher, more objective view point.

Always available

Sometimes we can feel pleased with ourselves for coming up with intellectual thoughts or intuitive insights, but they are just visitors in our filed of perception.

They are not to be claimed ownership of or held on to. All that there is to know, all knowledge and wisdom, is always available for everyone. Although everything may not be graspable for the human mind.

What we perceive depends on what we are focusing on and how receptive we are. Our focus fine-tunes our mind like a radio and our openness parts the clouds for the signal to reach us.

It’s up to ourselves what we welcome into our minds.

Perspective recipe

A constant existential conversation in my head. Sometimes insights make surprise visits. But 95 % of our mind chatter stays the same from day to day.

Listen to yourself carefully. What are our brains playing on repeat? Is it really the highest serving beats?

Food for thought. Serve yourself a delicious state of mind. Perhaps try some new perspectives you’ve never had before in your life.

Saved self-reflection

Journaling. Because life is a wild ride and it’s difficult to keep all its tiny details in mind at all times.

Processing through writing is clarifying, liberating and healing for oneself. Self-reflection is important for growth.

Looking back and piecing together all the parts of the story provides insights that would otherwise have been overlooked.

So many memories saved.