Day: October 29, 2021

What we water

Although it feels like the world has been put on pause for the last year and a half, our inner landscapes have probably changed quite a bit during this time.

Tending to our own soul’s garden we encounter both the flowers and the weeds that we carry inside. Growing through life takes lots of patience and self-compassion, since flowers don’t bloom overnight and weeds can be really damn stubborn.

The worldwide circumstance has planted new seeds in our minds and hearts. What starts to sprout depends on what we water. Hopefully we choose to give our care to seedlings of hope, unity and sovereignty.


Are you really fully living? Those who are the least afraid of living are also the ones who are the least afraid of dying.

The people who are swirling through life, fulfilling their heart’s desire and feeling truly alive know that death is not to worry about, since it’s just an inevitable step in the dance.

They embrace all aspects of life and they aim to meet every situation with acceptance and grace, staying as present as possible in the moment.

Even if the circumstances may not be comprehensible, they choose to trust that the bigger picture will clear with time.

We practice being fully in the now by releasing our thoughts around fear of the future and pain of the past. No easy thing, but well worth the effort.

Let’s get dancey.

Misuse of imagination

If fear is coming up, feel it. Accept that it is there. Observe it to understand why it has taken a hold of you. Let it pass through.

When we block and suppress emotions they get stuck in our body and feed off of our energy. Then one day they get triggered and come up to the surface again. This is a reoccurring pattern until we dare to look at them and make peace with them.

Remember that fear is a misuse of imagination and there are undeniably more beneficial ways to get creative.

If you feel fear – have compassion for yourself.
If you don’t feel fear – your consciousness is greatly needed in times like these, thank you for staying centered and compassionate. Keep on celebrating life!

Catching momentum

With every wind of change there is a momentum to catch. The breeze fills us up with fresh air so we can take the leap. But if we choose to stay in our place, we will take the blow of never knowing what could have been.

New Year’s Eve gives us hope and we believe – in all the resolutions we promise to keep. But we have to do more than merely utter the words ”new year, new me”.

Another birthday and this is gonna be our best year yet. But if we don’t follow along on the journey when the ship of boundless potential sets sail, our days will stay the same.

When that energetic surge tells us to plunge into the unknown we need to be in it with heart, mind and soul. Taking the first step will pave the way.

When transformation is embodied there is no limit to how high we can grow.