Day: October 28, 2021

La Bella Vita

33 ways to welcome a beautiful life, which have helped me:

1. Doing SHADOW WORK and holding space for one’s own trauma
2. Letting feelings come up, FEELING them and letting them go
3. Identifying limiting THOUGHT PATTERNS (such as lack mentality, unworthiness issues, victimhood, judgement and other fear based programming) and replacing them with new neural pathways
4. Listening to the inner self / higher self / intuition in order to find and follow one’s OWN PATH while also allowing others to live the life they choose
5. Understanding the POWER one has over life, being a SOVEREIGN being, and accepting RESPONSIBILITY for the quality of one’s own life
6. EMBODYING wisdom by getting out of the head and into the body
7. SHOWING UP and not shrinking oneself
8. Tuning into one’s highest desires and IMAGINING what it would feel like to have that kind of life RIGHT NOW
9. Writing down one’s dreams, speaking them out loud or creating a VISION BOARD
10. Keeping in mind WHAT one wishes for to happen, but letting go of control of HOW it will happen and having no attachment to the outcome
11. TRUSTING in oneself and life
12. Enjoying the SMALL THINGS
13. Seeing the BIGGER PICTURE and understanding that everything serves a purpose as well as simply observing situations and letting them be without categorizing them as good or bad
14. Adapting a resilient growth mindset and knowing that everything HAPPENS FOR us, not to us
15. Seeing challenges as LIFE LESSONS and opportunities to grow
16. GOOD HABITS for body, mind and soul (such as meditation, dancing, creative outlets, cold showers, fresh air, stillness, gratitude, open-mindedness and plenty of water)
17. Setting BOUNDARIES and cutting out things that doesn’t serve oneself (relationships, negative thinking, lifestyle, etc.)
18. Practicing RESPONDING from a calm and centered space instead of reacting from an emotionally raw state
19. Quieting the ego mind and finding STILLNESS and harmony within while feeling at home with oneself
20. Aiming for AUTHENTICITY
21. Aligning with LIKE-MINDED PEOPLE and placing no one above or below oneself
22. SHARING other people’s joy and success
23. Staying PLAYFUL and connected to one’s inner child
24. Welcoming LAUGHTER and not taking life or oneself too seriously
25. Working mindfully with the KUNDALINI and knowing that one has the power to create anything in life
26. Balancing the energetically feminine art of RECEIVING with the masculine energy of going for a GOAL
27. Finding WHOLENESS within and remembering that the outer world is a REFLECTION of the inner
28. Enjoying the JOURNEY and FLOWING instead of forcing
29. Being PRESENT and knowing that one is right where one NEEDS TO BE in this moment
30. FILLING up one’s own cup first
31. GIVING out what one wants to receive more of and practicing SELF-LOVE
32. CHOOSING LOVE (the highest vibration) OVER FEAR (the lowest vibration)