Day: October 28, 2021


It’s common to want to prove one’s worth through accomplishments. People feel judged by others on their success.

I, too, used to identify with my achievements, thinking that others could only accept the flawless side of me. To move away from this unhelpful thought pattern I had to accept myself, flaws and all.

I still have inner work to do in this area, but I have learnt that what I accomplish and who I am are two entirely different things.

My self-worth can’t be measured by my success. Nothing I DO will increase my worthiness. I’m worthy of all the beauty and love that life has to offer just by BEING me.

And so are you. Just be yourself. You are enough. It all starts with self-love.


”People can only meet you as deeply as they’ve met themselves.” Matt Kahn

The openness of your heart will determine how deeply you connect with others.

Your relation to yourself will reflect itself in your relationships with others.

We learn about life together. Human interconnectedness.


The falling away. I see it all around, in the life of myself and others. Things we thought would be, no longer are. Relationships, jobs, beliefs and wishes, whatever it may be, are falling away.

Change comes with chaos and uncertainty. Change creates space, a blank new page. Blank pages can seem scary. Life presenting us with an opportunity to create whatever we want. Zero point power.

But don’t fill the void immediately. Sit with it. Be okay with the emptiness. See that the nothingness holds everything, as it’s now possible for anything to take shape.

Empty spots are eventually filled. Always. Old stuff falls away for something new to enter.


“All things are so very uncertain, and that’s exactly what makes me feel reassured.”
I still have a ways to go to match the inner peace level of Too-ticky, but I do recognize that there are multiple ways of seeing and responding to things.

Therefore we always have the opportunity to smile at it all: the merry moments, the unexpected synchronicities and the troublesome mishaps. Especially the mishaps. They all play their part.

Knowing that anything can happen in any given moment challenges us to not be so set in our old ways and to allow the flow of life to unfold. Even the uneasiest events tickle our learning capability.

Welcome the perception of what your most dreamlike life would feel like, but let go of attachment to the outcome. How your vision comes into play may exceed your imagination.

In the moment

I used to say that I don’t know where I’m gonna live, sort of looking for the perfect place to settle and live in for the rest of my life. I now see that it doesn’t necessarily work that way. If you know that home is within you, home can be wherever you are at the moment.

Let’s not depend on outer circumstances to fulfil us anymore. For some that might mean closing a cycle of staying stuck in one place, having been too afraid of moving forward if it isn’t insured to generate an impeccable life. For others it might mean ending the endless running from one place to another, always chasing the next big thing.

There is a middle ground between chasing and staying stuck, between living in the future and in the past. I want to do my best to live in the moment, to accept what is and to make deliberate changes in a direction that feels purposeful.

I still very much appreciate having an external place where I feel safe, relaxed and happy, but what’s more important is how I feel when I turn to my internal world. If you are at home with yourself the outer turmoil will not bother you as much anymore. The peaceful state inside of you will start showing up in the surroundings outside of you.